A surface dermal piercing is a single-point piercing that sits flatly against the skin. The piercing has one entry point and no exit point. Instead of securing the jewelry with a backing behind the piercing a dermal anchor is inserted beneath the dermal layer of tissue. The top rests on top of the skin. Surface dermal piercings generally will last as long as a person takes good care of them.

Overflade dermale piercinger koster 100 dollars Iron Palm tatoveringer og inkludere smykker med tjenesten.

Surface Dermal Tattoos At Iron Palm Tattoos koster $100 og inkluderer smykker med tjenesten. Ring på 404-973-7828 eller kig forbi for en gratis konsultation med en Iron Palm body artist. Walk-in er velkommen.
Surface Dermal Tattoos At Iron Palm Tattoos are $100 and include jewelry with the service. Call 404-973-7828 or stop by for a free consultation with an Iron Palm body kunstner. Walk-in er velkommen.